Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Sweeney Todd opening title analysis

Above is the opening titles to the film Sweeney Todd create a dark and sinster mood to start the film this is done through a mix of camerawork, mise en scene, soundtrack and  editing. However the titles also have a very subtle comedic impact on its audience with the uses of adding obscurity to the titles.

the titles in many ways stick to the conventional opening titles of a film, as there is extensive use of the titles themselves which are seen almost three minutes into the start of the film, and we also see the production ident of DreamWorks and Warner Bros.
Production idents

however Sweeney Todd slips from the norm with the lack of information that is given to use as the the audience and be are not given any idea of setting or of the main characters, but instead we are show foreshadowing of the story as we see the barbers chair and the pies with blood dripping through them.  
Shots that foreshadow the story

The opening uses sound to help create this dark and creepy atmosphere. this is done through the use of the musical instrument the organ which echos an idea of danger or evil but not in a serious way. As the titles start the instrument changes to a strings and woodwind assortment, this is also accompanied by the sound of cogs and  blood running and squashing, these combine to make the audience feel on edge and uncomfortable hinting to the genre of the film that they are about to watch.

this is mirrored in the cinematography as the overall camera movement is slow and fluid with equally slow zooming in and out pulling the viewer attention towards and away from certain aspects of the titles. I feel that this was done in order to reflect the slow and flowing movement of the blood which is almost constantly seen throughout the entirety of the sequence.

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