Friday, 17 April 2015

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your target audience?

Examples of action/violence in my final product
Our film appeals to our target audience in a variety of different ways, including  the genre of the film and with the editing, camera shots and content of our film. Our film is part of the thriller genre and as a result has scenes of action and of violence, these attract and appeal to our target audience as it can make them quite excited as they wonder if the protagonist will survive, as the audience is predominantly male it is perhaps stereotypically appealing to them as they would find the violence and these scene more enjoyable that some other audiences, the fact that some older audiences may find this offensive can add to the excitement for the younger people within our target audience.

We also appeal to our audience as  the main characters in the film are young males around 18, this is quite unique for the thriller genre as many protagonists in this genre of film are slightly older like Liam Neeson and Guy Pearce. The fact that we have younger actor means that our audience will find them more identifiable as they are closer to their own age has the potenial to create more of a bond between the characters and the audience. This also add to the idea of escapism as the our film can help our audience escape from reality  and imagine that they are doing the things that the protagonist is doing, such as fight off and get revenge on the antagonists in the film but standing up for themselves and their friend with an audience member may not have the courage to do and this give them a sense of escape as they are not able to do the things that our protagonist is doing.

These are the actors that we chose to cast as the main character of our film, we made this decision as it meant that our target audience would be able to relate to the characters more easily as they are closer to their age bracket. We also did this for the main antagonist of our film as we again wanted them to be able to relate to the person and perhaps understand how they got into the situation they were in and makes them understand more why that are doing the negative things that they are doing. Also the characters within the movie are all British at this would appeal to our prodominantly British target audience as they can relate to them more easily as they may have had a similar upbringing to the characters and allows them to like the characters more easily if they feel that they already know them a little even if it is just through being the same nationality as the character.

Our film contains lots of elements they are used to attract our targeted audience this is seen through our choice of props like the baseball bat and the gun. these are used to excite the audience and they know that these items represent danger and we know that a fight may happen because they can see the props. We wanted to create this feeling as they know that our target audience would like it as props like this are used in most other thrillers that our target audience would enjoy.

Another thing that we used to attract our audience was they fact that we set they film in England this would mean that some of the British audience members may recognise the area or some of the locations in the film. This attracts our audience as they can relate to the character more easily are can understand some of the slang or dialect of the characters and this can give them a sense of a connection to the character despite that fact that they don't actually know them.

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